Kentucky District 2 Local Information and Forms:
The following amateur radio contacts are available in this local area.
For a legend of abbreviations used on this page, please click here.
District 2 ARES, Club, and NTS Forms:
Monthly Reports:
Click here to go to the reports page

Other Forms:
Apply to be an ARES Coordinator in District 2
Register for ARES in District 2

District 2:
ARES Coordinators:
DEC: Dan Rubino, KD9CHL 630-251-4563

Christian County:
ARES Coordinator:
EC: HELP WANTED: This position is vacant. If you would like to apply to serve as a volunteer coordinator, please click here.
Volunteer Examiner:
Christopher Rudolph , N7VFW 931-614-5493

Crittenden County:
Net: Crittenden County ARES Net - Thursday at 7:00 pm on Marion 2 meter repeater K4GFX 147.285 pl 100.0 until further notice.

ARES Coordinator:
EC: Daniel Rubino, KD9CHL 630-251-4563

Volunteer Examiners:
Daniel Rubino, KD9CHL 630-251-4563

Other repeaters in (or close to Marion, KY):
147.285 pl 100.0 K4GFX
444.825 pl 100.0 K4GFX
443.400 pl 100.0 KD9CHL
462.725 pl 100.0 WRGZ843
118.15 Airport AWOS (Automated Weather Report at KGDA)


Daviess County:
Net: Daviess County ARES Net - Thursday 9:00 PM - 145.330- Tone: 103.5

ARES Coordinator:
EC:Bob Spears, AA4RL

Amateur Radio Organization:
Owensboro Amateur Radio Club, K4HY 3rd Tuesday at 7:00 PM - Locations: Click Here
Contact: Information missing, please help.

Volunteer Examiners:
Steve Morgan, W4NHO 270-926-4451

Hancock County:
ARES Coordinator:
EC: HELP WANTED:This position is vacant. If you would like to apply to serve as a volunteer coordinator, please click here.
AEC: Harold Gillim, WE4G, 270-316-4947

Henderson County:
Net: Henderson County ARES Net - Monday 8:30 PM - 146.970- Tone: 103.5
ARES Coordinators:
EC: Phyllis M.E. Blasser, KY4PB (no phone)
AEC: Jimmy Rayburn, KC4BQK, 270-454-7869
AEC: Michael C Blasser, WD9JJV, 859-780-3090

Note: Henderson County ARES meets 4th Tuesday, 6:30 PM, Community Hospital.
Talk in on the local 146.970 repeater.

Volunteer Examiners:
Bill Hilyerd, K4LRX 270-826-2687

Hopkins County:
ARES Coordinator:
EC: William "Doug" Clark, KC4FRA, 270-832-9723
AEC: Nick Bailey, KG4URI, 270-871-7709

Amateur Radio Organization:
Hopkins County Amateur Radio Association. Meets every 2nd Thursday at 7:00 PM
Hopkins County EMA
130 N. Franklin St
Madisonville, KY 42431.
Contact: Nathan Hollenbach, KK4RYS, 270-875-2269

McLean County:
ARES Coordinator:
EC: HELP WANTED: This position is vacant. If you would like to apply to serve as a volunteer coordinator, please click here.
No other information available for this county. If you have updates, please to share the information.

Muhlenberg County:
Net: Muhlenberg County ARES Net - Friday 8:00 PM - 146.820- Tone: 107.2

ARES Coordinator:
EC: Barry W. Waltrip, KK4VIT, 270-977-7909

Ohio County:
ARES Coordinator:
EC: Harrison Taylor, KY4WHT 270-683-2000

Todd County:
ARES Coordinator:
EC: HELP WANTED: This position is vacant. If you would like to apply to serve as a volunteer coordinator, please click here.
No other information available for this county. If you have updates, please to share the information.

Union County:
Net: -SUSPENDED- Union County Amateur Radio Net- Sunday 8:30 PM - 145.290- Tone: 77.0 - System Fusion mixed mode Wires-X 61881
Union Co. hams please contact Josh (below) to get this net going again.

ARES Coordinator:
EC: Josh Millikan, KJ4HNC 270-997-1141
AEC: Joe Crowdus, KM4PEF 270-952-1543

Webster County:
Net: Webster County Amateur Radio Net- Sunday 8:00 PM - 145.350- Tone: 71.9

EC: HELP WANTED: This position is vacant. If you would like to apply to serve as a volunteer coordinator, please click here.
AEC: Tom Vaughn, AG4BT 270-667-5212

Volunteer Examiners:
Jeffrey McBride, AJ4SI 270-639-5946

© 2022 Dan Rubino, KD9CHL - All Rights Reserved
last revised 03-04-23